Michiana Voices for Middle East Peace
The Numbers
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The stress and judgement towards the immigrant folks in our communities has skyrocketed. If you would like to find out how to support and empower our immigrant neighbors, email ana@michianavoices.org.
“It is better to light some candles than to curse the darkness.” -Zoughbi Zoughbi

Our Mission
Michiana Voices for Middle East Peace exists to create venues that amplify the voices and experience of the Palestinian people through education, connection, and action in our local communities in order to create a just and liberated world for all.
Photo: Palestinian Journalist Motaz Azaiza

What’s with all the watermelons?
Perhaps you’ve been seeing watermelons everywhere, from clothes to pins to stickers to social media. Do people just really like the tasty fruit? Maybe. And there’s a deeper story to tell.
Gaza and the West Bank were banned from displaying the Palestinian Flag in 1967. In the 1980s the watermelon became a way for Palestinians to show resistance against their oppression.
Why watermelon specifically? Simple. The colors in the Palestinian flag are red, black, white and green. Red fruit. Black seeds. White and green rind. It was, and is, a way to show solidarity while avoiding censorship.